
JAKARTA - 1,000 residents assisted by the Cipinang Penitentiary (Lapas), East Jakarta, took the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination or "booster". This activity is a collaboration with the DKI Jakarta State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

"Today is a booster vaccine activity for our fostered residents. The number of our assisted residents is 3,134 people, the plan is for 1,000 boosters, assistance from BIN Jakarta," said Head of Cipinang Prison Development Division Aldikan Nasution, in Jakarta, Wednesday, April 13, quoted from Antara.

Aldikan added that the inmates who had received the first and second doses of vaccination were quite enthusiastic about participating in the booster.

He said the activity was aimed at the success of the government's program on accelerating vaccination.

"This is indeed part of a government program that we must immediately implement. Thankfully, when they are free it can be made easier," said Aldikan.

One of the assisted residents of the vaccination participants, Ahmad Faisal, said he was happy with the activity.

He said he needed a "booster" vaccine because he would soon be released after serving five years and six months in prison.

"I'm really happy because I'm a little more free to go anywhere, I'm not confused yet," said Ahmad Faisal.

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force noted that 27,960,917 people had received the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine after an increase of 669,139 people.

According to data from the Task Force, the number of people who received the complete dose increased by 227,644 people, bringing the total to 161,761,633 people.

Meanwhile, 197,660,336 people had received the first dose after increasing to 119,894 people.

The task force stated that the number of people targeted by the government's COVID-19 vaccination reached 208,265,720.

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