
DENPASAR - Two Russian citizens ran out of money after enjoying a vacation on the Island of the Gods. They live sedentary to overstay in Bali.

The two Russian Caucasians are a woman with the initials AK (61) and her child with the initials IK (34). Both are now waiting to be deported by Bali immigration officers to their home countries.

"Both of them have passed the deadline for their residence permits and cannot extend them because they have run out of living expenses," said the head of Bali's Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM), Jamaruli Manihuruk, Wednesday, April 13.

The two Russian Caucasians were initially identified by the Immigration Class I TPI Denpasr from reports from the Klungkung Civil Service Police (Satpol PP) officers and village officials in Nusa Penida.

When examined, the two Russian Caucasians had a visit stay permit. Both of them came to Bali for a tour and had time to live in the Amed area, Karangasem.

"Because the cost of living was exhausted, the person concerned lived to move around until he was finally secured in Nusa Penida," said Jamaruli.

To survive, this Russian Caucasians ask for the mercy of local residents. The Nusa Penida Traditional Village recommended that the two be deported from Bali.

Currently, both of them have been transferred to the Denpasar Immigration Detention Center to await the deportation process.

Immigration administrative actions in the form of deportation as stated in Article 78 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration can be imposed on foreigners holding permits

residence whose validity period has expired and is still within the territory of Indonesia," said Jamaruli.

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