JAKARTA - The Sabang Naval Base (Lanal) handed over the Indonesian fishing boat KM Rinda Muliya to the Sabang District Attorney's Office (Kejari). This ship was arrested some time ago for sailing without complete documents in Indonesian waters.
The Commander of Lanal Sabang, Marine Colonel (F) Ardhi Sunaryo, said Wednesday, April 13, that KM Rinda Muliya, as well as the suspect, evidence, and examination documents were handed over to the Sabang Kejari for further legal proceedings.
"In addition to incomplete ship documents, the ship carrying 35 crew members has also sold the caught fish, the sales of mixed fish costing more than IDR 80 million," said Ardhi in Sabang City, quoted from Antara.
He explained that the arrests began with information received by the Lanal Sabang Intel Team from reports from the Lampulo community, Banda Aceh City that there were Indonesian fishing vessels operating in Aceh waters without legal documents.
Then, KM Rinda Muliya was arrested by the Navy Ship (KAL) Iboih I-1-71 Lanal Sabang with the commander of Marine Captain (P) Surya Darma around the waters of Pulau Bunta, Aceh Besar Regency, on Sunday morning, March 13, 2022.
Next, the team conducted an initial inspection, both on the ship, documents, cargo, and crew (ABK).
KM Rinda Muliya GT 85, he said, was suspected of having committed a fisheries crime, namely sailing to catch fish in Indonesian waters without completing the ship's documents, starting with the Sailing Approval Letter (SPB), Crew List, and Fishing Permit (SIPI).
"In addition, KM Rinda Muliya is also not equipped with a certificate of competence for the head of the engine room or SKK KKM, health books, certificates of fitness to die/expired, and engine numbers do not match," he also said.
Therefore, KM Rinda Muliya is suspected of violating Article 98 in conjunction with Article 42 paragraph (3) of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation which amends Law Number 45 of 2009 concerning Fisheries.
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