
JAKARTA - Member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from Commission B, Gilbert Simanjuntak, said that the brutal act that befell social media activist and University of Indonesia (UI) lecturer Ade Armando during a demonstration in front of the DPR/MPR Building on April 11, 2022, tarnished the student movement. and brutal, and exceeds the limits of reasonableness and propriety," Gilbert said in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 12, quoted from Antara. By looking at the actions taken, the PDI-P politician considered the masses' demands to be made up and exaggerated. "So this action is important. to be followed up by the police. Victims of abuse are traumatized" said Gilbert. Furthermore, Gilbert said that the attitude of BEM UI that did not participate in the BEM SI demonstration should be applauded. UI lecturer," he said. He added to the incident that happened to Ade Armando, who is a lecturer UI, BEM UI should issue a stance on the matter. "BEM UI should be a good example and control over this brutal act," he said.

It is known that social media activist and University of Indonesia lecturer Ade Armando was persecuted by an unknown mob while attending a demonstration held by the All-Indonesian Student Executive Board (BEM SI) at the Senayan Parliamentary Complex.

Ade was rescued by officers from the angry mob at the demonstration site. Even though he was rescued, Ade suffered a head injury and had to receive intensive care. The incident of beating Ade Armando by a mass of protesters triggered officers to take decisive action to disperse the crowd with water cannons and tear gas tactical vehicles. Currently, six suspects have been named in the case of beating Ade Armando. "The facts from the investigation with the data from the investigation are formulated together and we have determined the six suspects in the Ade Armando case," said Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Pol. Tubagus Ade Hidayat in Jakarta, Tuesday. Tubagus said of the six suspects, two had been arrested on Tuesday afternoon. The first suspect arrested in South Jakarta was identified as Muhammad Bagja and the second suspect arrested in Jonggol was named Ang Komar. Meanwhile, the four other suspects who are still at large are known to be Dhia Ul Haq, Ade Purnama, Abdul Latief and Abdul Manaf.

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