
CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, forbade all heads of public health centers in Cianjur, to go home during fasting until Lebaran later because they continue to provide health services. Violators will be subject to removal from office.

The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that Cianjur is a destination for residents who migrate outside the city such as Jabodetabek and outside the island, so that health service centers must still operate until Lebaran homecoming, including vaccination services.

"Cianjur is an area with a fairly high number of immigrants spread across various regions in Indonesia, so that during the holiday, homecomers returning home will increase sharply, so that various supporting facilities and infrastructure will be improved," he said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 12.

The increase in the arrival of homecomers must be monitored because it is feared that it will spread at the local level because the district government has difficulty carrying out border checks, so for supervision and services, the head of the puskesmas is asked to be on standby 24 hours during the Lebaran homecoming season.

Including taking quick action if there are people who are symptomatic so that they can be treated as soon as possible, involving the village head to the RW and RT levels to monitor and collect data on travelers who come along with their health conditions.

"Later, the contact of the head of the puskesmas will also be spread to every RT and RW, making it easier for them to coordinate if they find residents with symptoms of COVID-19 or experiencing other diseases. The instructions are that the head of the puskesmas must not leave the place," he said.

If there is a head of the puskesmas who is stubborn and forces himself to go home or go out of town, strict sanctions will be given. "The sanction is no longer a reprimand or administration, I will resign from his position if the head of the puskesmas violates it," said Herman.

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