
JAKARTA - Head of the Army Information Service (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang Subarna straightened out that the accident in Merauke, Papua, Tuesday, April 12, was not part of the main convoy of vehicles that KSAD General TNI Dudung Abdurachman boarded.

"The incident that killed one TNI soldier, Lt. Cpm I Kadek Suhardiyana, was purely a single accident," said Brigadier General Tatang in a written statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 12.

Lt. Kadek is the first officer of the XVII/3 Merauke Military Police Detachment (Denpom). He reportedly died after being taken to Merauke Hospital.

"It was purely a single accident where the vehicle used was outside the main group of the KSAD (Army Chief of Staff)," Tatang said as quoted by Antara.

He continued to convey that apart from the fatalities, there were also three journalists who were injured.

The injured victims have been evacuated to the Navy Hospital (RSAL) Lantamal XI Merauke for treatment.

"This accident is still under investigation, but it is suspected that the driver fell asleep while trying to get back on the road and when he tried to get back on the road the car lost its balance and rolled over," said the Head of the Department of Civil Service. got an accident.

So far, there has been no information regarding the last condition of the three journalists who were injured in the accident.

The Army Chief of Staff arrived in Merauke since Monday, April 11 to inspect units in the area as well as to meet with community leaders and local leaders.

It was discovered that Dudung and his entourage met his soldiers on Tuesday at the border guard post for Indonesia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) at the 123/RW Battalion Task Force Command Post in Sota District, Merauke.

Then, Kasad also visited the Infantry Battalion 755/Yalet Headquarters, Semangga, Merauke. At the 755/Yalet Infantry Battalion Raider Headquarters, Kasad promised to improve the facilities and infrastructure in the unit.

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