
BEKASI - The Bekasi Regency Manpower Office has warned companies in its area to pay the 2022 Eid al-Fitr Holiday Allowance (THR) by the provisions set by the government.

The terms of the 2022 Eid THR payment refer to the Circular of the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, regarding the Implementation of the 2022 Religious THR.

"We are currently preparing a circular as a follow-up to the letter issued by the Minister of Manpower", said Head of the Bekasi Regency Manpower Office, Suhup in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, Tuesday, April 12.

His party is not authorized to supervise the provision of THR or to accommodate employee complaints through the complaint post because the handling related to this problem has been delegated to the UPTD Labor Supervision Region II Disnakertrans West Java Province.

"This year we don't have a THR complaint post, it has been delegated to the UPTD in Karawang Regency. If our recommendation must come through a mediation process, it certainly takes a long time. That's why the THR problem is handled through the Supervision UPTD because it is normative", said Suhup.

Head of Industrial Relations at the Bekasi Regency Manpower Office, Nur Hidayah, added that his party is currently drafting a circular letter to companies related to the provision of THR, containing provisions regarding the mechanism and technical provision of allowances.

The detailed preparation of the circular letter, forwarded by Antara report, includes the maximum limit for providing allowances, including provisions if the company is unable to pay employee THR.

"We are currently drafting it because we haven't received the Circular Letter from the Minister of Manpower for a long time. After it is finished, we will immediately distribute it to companies located in Bekasi Regency", she said.

The Ministry of Manpower appeals to the business world to immediately fulfill the obligation to provide religious holiday allowances for workers and if they have high profits to give higher THR to their employees.

The appeal was conveyed through the Circular Letter of the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah Number M/1/HK.04/IV/2022 dated April 6, 2022, regarding the Implementation of the Granting of Religious THR in 2022.

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