
JAKARTA - Circulating photos showing the faces of four alleged perpetrators of the beating of social media activist Ade Armando in the area of the Indonesian Parliament Building.

Based on the photo, the four alleged perpetrators were named Dhia Ul Haq, Ade Purnama, Try Setya Budi Purwanto, and Abdul Latip.

The Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner E. Zulpan, who confirmed the photo, confirmed their suspicions as the perpetrators. The investigation process is still ongoing.

"Yes, that has been identified," said Zulpan, Tuesday, April 12.

However, Zulpan was reluctant to elaborate further on the process of handling the case. He only emphasized that his party would arrest the perpetrators.

"We will follow up (arrest, red)," said Zulpan.

Ade Armando became a victim of a beating in the DPR building area. However, it is not clear what triggered the assault.

As a result of the beating, Ade Armando suffered injuries in several parts of his body. Worst of all, he had a head wound.

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