
YOGYAKARTA - The State Intelligence Agency together with the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, intensified the COVID-19 booster vaccination after tarawih prayers for worshipers from mosques to mosques to accelerate the formation of communal immunity ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri.

"This is part of a programmatic collaboration between ministries and mass organizations, the Ministry of Religion (Ministry of Religion) and BIN, as well as the Indonesian Mosque Council and also the MUI to be able to vaccinate from mosques to mosques," said Head of Binda DIY Brigadier General Andry Wibowo after the vaccination launch at Nurul Ashri Mosque. Yogyakarta was reported by Antara, Monday, April 11.

The booster dose of COVID-19 vaccination at the mosque after the tarawih prayer or at night in the month of Ramadan is the first to be carried out in Yogyakarta, with a target of 375 people who are worshipers and local residents.

"We support the activities of Muslims so that they can worship in a healthy manner, can celebrate Eid in good conditions with good immunity, so that we can meet with family and friends, and hold Eid prayers in congregation which we have been waiting for a long time," he said.

He said the booster vaccination was carried out at night, because the congregation gathered after performing the tarawih prayers, so it was possible to vaccinate at the mosque's foyer at the end of worship.

"We do this for 14 days until D-5 before Idul Fitri, because we have to rest, all health workers prepare for Lebaran," he said.

He said, the target of this COVID-19 booster vaccination is as much as possible to support the national BIN target throughout Indonesia which is around 40 million people, while the Ministry of Religion can support vaccination of up to one million people.

"This is part of a series of programmatic support from the government so that Indonesia meets minimum vaccination standards from the primary side and from the booster side, so that later we will see policies regarding pandemics or endemics from achieving the vaccination target," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of DIY, Masmin Afif, said that the booster vaccination from mosques to mosques is in order to maintain public health, because maintaining a healthy soul is part of the obligation of all people.

"With the vaccine, it is hoped that the community will have immunity, so that they are healthy, we can do fasting and Eid 1443 which has been awaited for two years, we hope that there will be euphoria to welcome Lebaran by working for healthy people through booster vaccines," he said.

"Why at night, because the community is finished with congregations, so that one way can be carried out two jobs at once. Hopefully this vaccine is part of our joint effort to make the community healthy, have a strong immune, so that in the future it will be healthier," he said.

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