
AMBON - The Ambon City Student Executive Board Alliance (BEM) and other student elements held a demonstration in front of the Maluku Governor's Office and DPRD in Ambon City, Monday 11 April.

The Maluku Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Lotharia Latif appreciated that the action was peaceful. He admitted that the aspirations of the community conveyed by the student elements took place in an orderly and enthusiastic manner from morning to evening.

"We appreciate the students who held today's demonstration. They have conveyed it in an orderly and constructive manner to the government," said Lotharia in Ambon, reported by Antara.

The Maluku Regional Police Chief, who directly monitored the course of the action together with a number of main Polda officials and the Ambon Island and Lease Islands Police Chiefs, expressed his appreciation.

Not only to students, the number 1 Polda Maluku also gave his appreciation to the joint apparatus, such as the TNI, Polri and Satpol PP for securing the demonstration well.

"Joint Police officers assisted by the TNI and Satpol PP secure activities in a safe manner, with good traffic flow regulation, so that community activities are not disrupted," he explained.

It is important to note that the demonstrations by hundreds of students from various universities in Ambon conveyed a number of demands to the government. Among them are rejecting the postponement of the 2024 election, the increase in the price of Pertamax fuel, and stabilizing food prices.

The students asked the Government and DPRD to evaluate Pertamina Ambon Branch regarding the scarcity of Pertalite type fuel due to the rising price of Pertamax fuel.

In addition, they also asked the Maluku Regional Government to prioritize the welfare of the community through subsidies or direct cash assistance related to the increase in the price of basic necessities.

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