
MAGETAN - A total of 49,283 beneficiary families or KPM in Magetan Regency, East Java Province, received direct cash assistance (BLT) cooking oil for the period April to June 2022 with a total value of IDR 300 thousand per family. Head of PT Pos Indonesia Magetan Catur Ahadi Nizar in Magetan, Monday, April 11, said the distribution of cooking oil BLT was entrusted to PT Pos Indonesia. The nominal amount reaches Rp. 100,000 per month which will be disbursed in three months. "We will disburse it in cash. We are still coordinating the schedule for disbursement with the Social Service and sub-districts," said Catur, quoted by Antara. distribution of Cash Assistance Program (BPST) in May. The total nominal is Rp. 24.6 billion. "So each beneficiary family will get BLT cooking oil in April-June of Rp. 300 thousand and BPST in May of Rp. 200 thousand," he said. Currently PT Pos Indonesia Magetan is printing a list of beneficiary families (KPM). ). According to the plan, the distribution will be carried out through villages, sub-districts, post office counters, communities, and some are delivered directly to KPM.

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