
JAKARTA - PT Transjakarta has diverted and closed a number of its bus service routes, as a result of the demonstration that was held in front of the DPR RI building and the Horse Statue area and around Monas today.

"In connection with the mass action activities around Monas, Central Jakarta and its surroundings as well as the MPR/DPR RI area, South Jakarta, this has an impact on Transjakarta services in the vicinity of the location where the service has been adjusted," said Plt. Head of the Corporate Secretary and Public Relations Division of PT Transjakarta Angelina Betris in her statement, Monday, April 11.

Betris said this adjustment was made so that Transjakarta passengers could still be served properly when traffic was diverted due to the demonstration. Transjakarta will return to serving the community normally if the route is conducive and can be crossed by the fleet.

Details of rerouting Transjakarta services:

1. Blok M – Kota (Corridor 1)Experiencing rerouting in both directions.

City diversion route: Block M - Sarinah - Red light Sarinah exits lane - Bank Indonesia red light turn left - Jl. Kebon Sirih - Hotel Millennium turn left - Jl. Fachrudin turn right - Jati Baru goes straight - Jl. Cideng Barat - Red light Tarakan turn right - Petojo stop – red light Harmoni turn left - Harmoni – Kota

Directional diversion route Blok M:Harmoni – Harmoni red light turn right - go straight towards Tomang - Petojo stop exit lane - Tarakan red light turn left - Jl. Cideng Timur - Jl. Jati Baru turn left - Tugu Asri Hotel - Millennium Hotel red light goes straight - Jl.Kebon Sirih – Bank Indonesia red light turn right - Sarinah bus stop - Blok M

Stops that do not serve customers: 1. Monas bus stop (city direction)2. Bank Indonesia bus stop (city direction)3. Monas bus stop (Block M direction)

2. Pulogadung – Harmoni (Corridor 2) Experiencing a diversion to the direction of Pulogadung while the opposite direction is normal.

Diversion route: Harmoni - Harmoni red light - Turn left via Almabar - Go to Senen Bus Stop - Enter Corridor 5 (Kampung Melayu Ancol) - Turn left at Senen Bus Stop - normal to Pulogadung.

Stops that do not serve:1. Monas bus stop (direction to Pulogadung)2. Gambir bus stop (direction to Pulogadung)

3. Ragunan – Monas via Kuningan (6A) The route was shortened to Ragunan – Tosari.

Stops that do not serve customers: 1. HI2 roundabout stop. Bank Indonesia bus stop3. Monas Stop

4. Ragunan – Monas via Semanggi (6B) The route was shortened to Ragunan – Tosari.

Stops that do not serve customers: 1. HI2 roundabout stop. Bank Indonesia bus stop3. Monas Stop

5. City Hall – Pantai Maju (1A)Shortened route to Harmoni – Pantai Maju

Stops that do not serve:1. Monas 2 stop. City Hall stop3. City Hall Stop 1

6. Harmoni – Kampung Rambutan (7F) Experiencing a route diversion to the direction of Kampung Rambutan while the opposite direction is normal.

Diversion route: Harmoni to Kp rambutan (Via Pejambon) Harmoni Red Light – Turn left to Pasar Baru – Right at Lapangan Banteng – Left Borobudur – Go right to Gambir – Take Corridor 2 to the left – return to Kwitang towards Kampung Rambutan via White Cempaka.

Stops that do not serve:1. Monas 2 stop. Gambir 2 stop.

7. Kampung Rambutan – Tanah Abang (5M)Experiencing a route diversion to the direction of Tanah Abang while the opposite direction is normal:

Diversion route towards Tanah Abang: Pass the SMP 8 Bus stop - Go straight to HI - HI roundabout - Enter BI intersection -Turn left - Enter the Ministry of Religion Bus stop in the direction of Tanah Abang.

Stops that do not serve: from the Teuku Cik Ditiro bus stop to the Wisma Mandiri bus stop.

8. Palmerah – Tosari (1B)Experienced temporary service closures in both directions.

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