JAKARTA - Padang City Resort Police and West Sumatra Police anticipate students and brawlers following a demonstration at the West Sumatra Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).
Padang Police Chief, Commissioner Imran Amir, in Padang, Monday, April 11, said that his party was taking anticipatory steps by enforcing the law against anarchic acts.
"A team has come down to anticipate that the perpetrators of this brawl will participate in demonstration activities, and they are moving to provide security", he said as quoted by Antara.
As for students, his party has agreed with all schools in the city of Padang that no students will take part in this action.
He said that his party is in communication with all schools so that they can monitor their students and ensure that they do not participate in these demonstrations.
"This is purely a student demonstration, so we anticipate the presence of students together", he said again.
He said from the notification letter that came to the Padang Police, that there were 1,000 people from six universities who took part in this demonstration.
His party deployed 892 police personnel, consisting of 450 Padang Police and 442 West Sumatran Police, assisted by 100 TNI (Army) personnel.
"We are ready to facilitate students to convey their actions humanely, and these actions run safely and smoothly", he said.
Previously, the Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Commissioner Satake Bayu, in Padang, Monday, said that according to the direction of the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who instructed all his staff to oversee and secure student demonstrations on April 11, 2022, by prioritizing a humanist approach.
"Polri provides and guarantees every citizen to express their aspirations or provide space for democracy. Therefore, a humanist approach must continue to be implemented in guarding demonstrations", he said.
He said the National Police are committed to upholding human rights (HAM) and democratic values in Indonesia and adhering to the 1945 Constitution and the law on freedom of opinion and expression which are part of human rights. universal protection.
In addition, the police will continue to carry out their duties in providing security and public order and respecting and maintaining the sanctity and solemnity of Muslims who are fasting during Ramadan.
"Therefore, humanity must continue to be implemented. Moreover, because it is currently the month of Ramadan, we must pay attention to the purity and solemnity of Muslims who are fasting", he said.
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