
SEMARANG - The Central Java Regional Police took advantage of the Ramadan momentum to increase the intensity of COVID-19 vaccinations for the community. A number of police ranks make creative breakthroughs so that people want to be vaccinated.

The Klaten Police, for example, took advantage of the momentum of ngabuburit by opening a vaccination booth in the local town square.

Semarang Polrestabes carried out nighttime vaccinations at Simpang Lima and the Kauman mosque. Meanwhile, the Surakarta Polresta opened vaccinations to the public at the local office polyclinic from late afternoon until close to midnight.

Equally important, Purworejo Police Chief AKBP Fahrurozi gave prizes to three lucky people to get Umrah packages through the Purworejo Police Precision Vaccination Program. This provision applies to those who vaccinate either dose 1, 2, or 3 during the month of Ramadan.

The various breakthroughs were made by the Central Java Regional Police. No wonder many people are interested in getting vaccinated.

In Simpang Lima and the Kauman Mosque, the night vaccination which has been held since March 31, has been attended by 909 residents. Meanwhile, in the city of Surakarta, 750 residents have been vaccinated at the local Polresta polyclinic, since the night vaccination program was opened on Monday, April 4.

Based on the police report, it shows that the afternoon or evening vaccination is quite attractive to residents. Regarding the increasing public interest in participating in this vaccination activity, the Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi through the Head of Humas Polda Central Java Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy expressed his gratitude and high appreciation for the participation of the community.

"The Head of the Central Java Police gives high appreciation for the participation of the community. With more and more people being vaccinated, we hope that herd immunity will soon be established in Central Java," said Head of Humas for the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. M Iqbal Alqudusy, Saturday, April 9.

The Central Java Regional Police, Iqbal said, have been trying for a long time so that the COVID-19 vaccination program is carried out optimally.

Therefore, continued Iqbal, various creative breakthroughs were made by the police ranks so that the public was interested in participating in vaccination activities.

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