
JAKARTA - Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo has prepared a traffic diversion scheme in the area around Ring 1 of the State Palace, Central Jakarta, on Monday 11 April, tomorrow.

"Medan Merdeka Barat Road will be closed starting at 08.30 WIB because security barriers or wire fences will be installed. Officers will also install water barriers in both directions," Kombes Sambodo told reporters, Sunday, April 10, afternoon.

The following is a traffic flow diversion scheme that will be implemented by the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya on Monday, April 11, tomorrow.

Traffic flow to Jalan Veteran III is straightened to TL Harmoni, from Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur to Jalan Merdeka Utara or the State Palace to the right, namely Jalan Perwira, from Jalan Ridwan Rais to Jalan Merdeka Selatan it is straightened to Jalan Merdeka Timur.

From Jalan MH Thamrin which will go to the Horse Statue Roundabout, turn left or right towards Jalan Kebon Sirih.

Traffic flow from Jalan Abdul Muis which will turn left to Jalan Budi Kemuliaan is straightened out to Jalan Fachrudin, traffic flow from Jalan Fachrudin which will turn right to Jalan Budi Kemuliaan is straightened to Jalan Abdul Muis.

The traffic flow on Jalan Tanah Abang II which will go straight to the Museum to the left or right, the traffic flow from Jalan Majapahit which will turn left, Jalan Museum is straightened to Jalan Abdul Muis and the traffic flow from Jalan Abdul Muis which will turn right to Jalan Museum straightened to Jalan Majapahit.

Meanwhile, the current from Jalan Hayam Wuruk which will go straight to Jalan Majapahit is turned to the left of Jalan Juanda and traffic flows from Jalan Suryo Pranoto which will go to Jalan Ir. H. Juanda turn left to Jalan Gajah Mada. Meanwhile, from Jalan Abdul Muis to Jalan Majapahit, turn left to Jalan Tanah Abang II. The traffic flow from Jalan Cathedral which will go to Jalan Veteran is turned to the right towards Pasar Baru.

Traffic flow from Jalan Veteran Raya to Jalan Veteran 1 is straightened towards TL Harmoni. Meanwhile, the traffic flow from Jalan Veteran Raya to Jalan Veteran II is straightened towards TL Harmoni.

"Traffic will be diverted to Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan and Jalan Budi Kemuliaan. Meanwhile, on Jalan Harmoni, we will close the direction to the State Palace," said Kombes Sambodo.

Meanwhile, regarding the diversion of traffic flow in the area of the DPR and MPR buildings, it is still situational.

"The situation is looking at the development of the masses. If there is enough mass, then the flow will be closed under the flyover, and will be diverted to Jalan Pintu Pemuda," he said.

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