
MAKASSAR - Makassar City Health Office in collaboration with Hasanuddin Contact (HC) held a digital creative content creation competition to campaign for World Tobacco Commemoration Day 2022.

World No Tobacco Day is observed on 31 May. This year the Health Office carries the theme 'Makassar Youth Refuses Smoking' in the content competition.

The content creation show is open to teenagers who are still in school, junior high, high school, and vocational (student) in Makassar City. Registration opens on Saturday, April 9, until Sunday, May 15, 2022 via the registration link,

The terms and conditions for participating in the competition are as follows.

Participants must upload on one of their personal social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and Youtube) creative videos in the form of an invitation to stop smoking/stay away from cigarettes/the harmful effects of smoking on health and the environment. Note that social media accounts are not private. Include the hashtag, #tolakjaditargetrokok #remajaantirokok #kerentanganrokok. Registration is done via the link Follow the account and tag IG: @gerak_muda_anti_rokok and Winners will be announced via IG accounts: @gerak_muda_anti_rokok and

Winners will be announced in the top three categories. The total prizes for the winners of this competition reach up to Rp. 1 million and e-Certificates, for the 1st place, 2nd place winner, 600 thousand, 3rd place, 300 thousand.

The announcement of the content winners will be announced on Monday, May 30, 2022. More complete information about the social media content creation competition can be visited on the Instagram account.

Meanwhile, Head of the Section Head of the Non-Communicable Diseases and P2P Mental Health Section, Makassar City Health Service, Adi Novrisa Perdana said this year Makassar City Health Service brought the issue of the harmful impact of smoking on teenagers, it is known that teenagers are a generation that continues the nation's struggle.

"Adolescents are a generation that will continue the nation's struggle, which is expected to be at a productive age to remain physically and mentally healthy in carrying out the life of the nation and state," he said in Makassar Saturday, April 9, 2022.

He explained that this activity was an effort by the government to invite Makassar youth to take part in reducing the number of smokers among teenagers.

Adi hopes that the implementation of this activity will present itself as a youth community movement that has ideas and creativity in expressing aspirations in taking a role to help reduce the prevalence of smokers in adolescent children who are the targets of the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) in 2024.

As well as leverage for regions in assisting the implementation of Non-Smoking Areas (KTR) including regulations prohibiting advertising, promotion and sponsorship of cigarettes, as well as the dangers of smoking.

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