
JAKARTA - DKI Deputy Governor (Vice Governor) Ahmad Riza Patria visited the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). He tried the sky view deck or walking path above the height of JIS while monitoring the construction of the international scale stadium.

"This stadium is more than 95 percent complete," said Riza through her Instagram account, @arizapatria, Saturday 9 April.

Riza made a surprise inspection to JIS on Friday 8 April. In the video clip shared by Riza, the Gerindra Party politician wears a green vest and a white project helmet.

The JIS sky view deck is 800 meters long. From the top of the building, Riza told about the beautiful scenery she saw.

It can also be seen from above the Jakarta Formula E circuit which is being built around JIS. "From here the view is very good, below that is the Formula E circuit," said Riza.

On that occasion, Riza also checked the JIS main field, grass, dressing room, press conference venue, and others.

"Anyway, the longer you go to JIS, the cooler you are and the more proud you are as a citizen of Jakarta," he added.

Accompanying Riza on this surprise inspection were the President Director of Jakpro, Mr. Widi Amanast, the Director of Engineering, Mr. M. Apriandi, and the Director of the JIS Project, Mr. Iwan Takwin.

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