
JAKARTA - The Directorate of Special Economic Crimes, Bareskrim Polri, arrested two suspects in the DNA Pro trading robot. Both are the Founders and Co-Founders of the Octopus team.

"Jerry Gunandar is the Founder and Stefanus Richard is the Co-Founder of the octopus team," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan in a statement, Saturday, April 9.

The arrests of these two are the development of the suspect Robby Setiadi as the Co-Founder of the Rudutz team. They were arrested at a luxury hotel in the South Jakarta area on Friday, April 8.

After being arrested, both of them were examined intensively. As a result, they have a downline turnover of hundreds of billions.

"The downline turnover is USD 22,000,000 or IDR 330 billion," said Whisnu.

Investigators will continue to develop the arrests of the two suspects. Then, trace the assets and flow of funds with PPATK.

On the previous occasion, the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit named 12 suspects in the alleged fraudulent investment under the guise of a DNA Pro trading robot. The total loss of victims so far has been recorded at Rp. 97 billion.

However, of the dozens of suspects, only five have been arrested and detained. They are FR, RK, RS, RU and YS. The rest are still on the hunt.

Although not yet arrested, the identities of the seven suspects have been pocketed. They have the initials AB, ZII, JG, ST, FE, AS, and DV.

With their identities obtained, it is believed that they will be able to catch them in the near future. To speed things up, the suspects have issued a wanted list (DPO).

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