
JABAR - The Cianjur Regency Government fully supports the expansion of the southern region into South Cianjur Regency. The budget for the implementation of the division has been prepared in the amount of Rp. 177 billion for three years.

The budget is for financing starting from the construction of government offices, infrastructure to other supporting facilities and infrastructure, as a form of full support.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said, as a form of supporting the expansion, the parent district will prepare a budget of hundreds of billions of rupiah every year until the formation of South Cianjur Regency, so that when it is legalized all supporting facilities and infrastructure will be available.

"When it is ratified, the government can start running immediately, without having to wait for the construction to be completed. We have also issued a budget for the construction of the government headquarters in Sindangbarang District," he said in Cianjur, Friday, April 8, according to Antara.

He explained that although he had to wait again, his party was optimistic that the expansion of southern Cianjur into a new district would soon be realized. While waiting, his party will continue to coordinate with the provincial and central governments until the formation of South Cianjur Regency.

"We will also repair the district road that stretches south of Cianjur, so that when the expansion is ratified, good and smooth roads will be available to support accelerated development," said Herman.

The chairman of the Special Committee I of the West Java Provincial DPRD, Sadar Muslihat, said that to ensure readiness, including the central government in South Cianjur, which will be expanded, his team and his team will go directly and meet with leaders from southern Cianjur to get various inputs.

"We will visit South Cianjur directly, to see the various preparations that already exist and will be built, so that we, together with members of the West Java DPRD Special Committee, will report directly to the Governor, so that the expansion can be realized soon," he said.

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