
JAKARTA - Hermanu, a resident of Jalan Harsono RM, Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, recounted the chronology of the stabbing experienced by Khamidah (51), a housewife who was on her way to the mosque.

Hermanu explained, Thursday, April 7, at 03.30 WIB, the victim went to pray at the Al Hukama Mosque which is within the area of the Education and Training Agency of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office, South Jakarta.

Suddenly the perpetrators came using a motorcycle from the direction of the South Jakarta Religious Court. Then, the perpetrator saw a woman walking on the sidewalk.

Hermanu said the perpetrator acted alone. The streets were deserted at that time.

"He (the perpetrator) came from the direction of the court and saw someone passing by, then he turned around, exactly what happened right in front of the writings of the Education and Training Agency of the Indonesian Attorney General's Office," Hermanu said when met at the location, Thursday, April 7, evening.

"He (the perpetrator) did that (stabbed), then ran away in that direction, towards TM Ragunan, (turn right onto Jalan Saco)," he continued.

Khamidah was stabbed by the perpetrator, so she suffered a number of injuries on her body, such as back wounds, fingers. At that time, continued Hermanu, the victim screamed for help.

"After being stabbed, he (the victim) screamed loudly in pain and asked for help "please, please..." then many people helped from Warteg Mangga (opposite the crime scene), who was still eating," he said.

After that, the victim was taken to Pasar Minggu Hospital. In order to get further treatment.

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