
JAKARTA - Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Pol R Ahmad Nurwakhid said Ramadan is the best time to reform oneself and morals, as well as improve spirituality. However, when viewed in the context of radicalism and terrorism, what is a concern and must be improved is spirituality in religion and the nation," he said at the "Deep Talk Indonesia Serial Ramadhan" event organized by the Optimist Indonesia Movement, as quoted in a press release by the Media Damai Center (PMD). ) BNPT, Friday April 8th. According to him, Indonesia will progress if the nation is strong in the field of intellectuality and spirituality. Ihsan is an aspect of spirituality to build noble character and build morals,” he explained. He explained that morality and spirituality are vaccinations for deradicalization. As is well known, deradicalization is the process of returning radicalism to moderation. According to him, it must be marked by changing the roots of radical ideology or takfiri ideology and being replaced with moderate ideology. A person can be said to be moderate if they stand out not only in their rituality, but also in their spirituality. Not only his religious life, but also noble character and character which is actually the main mission of the prophets, especially the Prophet Muhammad SAW, said Nurwakhid. and terrorism that is developing in Indonesia. “The Optimist Indonesia Movement, with its name optimistic, already has Sufi values, Sufism values, and spiritual values. Because someone who has a prominent spirituality is always optimistic,” he said. According to him, this optimism should arouse our gratitude as a nation that has a very plural heterogeneity, and has extraordinary potential that must be built in tolerance or can be called the 5 Ts. explained that the first T is tawassuth, moderate, being in the middle, because with the middle one can be rahmatan lil alamin. The second T is tawazun, balanced, proportional. The third T is tasamuh, which is tolerance. This is very relevant how our nation must be built on tolerance because of the diversity and heterogeneity that is very plural. The fourth T is tawasul. Everything must use media, must use protocols and systems. Tawasul means a methodological system or media. The fifth T is tabbayun. Radical terrorism groups usually lack checks and checks on content. The survey results in cyberspace as much as 67.7 percent are religious content that is intolerant and radical. I am sure it will be great,” added Nurwakhid. He further explained that the potential for acts of radicalism and terrorism in the month of Ramadan must be watched out for. Considering that this group performs its actions during the momentum of religious days. “The month of Ramadan, we at BNPT and Densus, became one of the Kamtibmas calendar of the amaliyah of radical terrorism groups. They will take action and practice in the month of Ramadan, in the major non-Muslim religious months, as well as Christmas and New Year," he explained. Therefore, Nurwakhid advised that the entire community must be alert to this, because the potential for taking action is very large, so that BNPT and Densus 88 Anti-Terror massively take preventive steps, namely arrest and take action.

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