
JAKARTA - The Chief Executive of Mathla'ul Anwar (PBMA) KH Oke Setiadi Affendi MSc said that the momentum of the month of Ramadan can be used by Muslims to improve their self-quality, so that they are not merely holding back hunger and thirst. how can we as a people take advantage of the momentum to improve our quality, as well as get blessings from a series of various worships. The point is that we don't just pass the month of Ramadan as if we just don't eat and drink, of course it will be very unfortunate, "said the Head of PBMA for Inter-Institutional Relations and International Relations in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, April 8. He continued that what he meant was the physical quality, intelligence quality and mental quality of a person, as a believer. This month of Ramadan trains us to like avoiding food n which is not useful and which is harmful to our bodies," explained the Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Relations Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Secondly, he continued, fasting plays a role in training the quality of intelligence. According to him, in the month of Ramadan, people are always trained to choose good things and leave bad things. So that people become intelligent who are expected to be part of the solution for the people, nation and society of Indonesia in general. "It can be slowly reduced or even eliminated with the momentum of this month of Ramadan," Oke said as quoted by Antara. By fasting, Oke believes that people can always free themselves from lust, egoism, fanaticism, and fights that can cause division.

"Of course with fasting, so reducing things that were previously allowed for us, it turns out that it will make it easier for us to be free from selfishness and it is easier for Allah to unite our hearts," he said. The holy book is not only a joy for Muslims themselves but for all people. He also hopes that this holy month, Muslims and Muslimat can maintain and establish good communication with other people, so as not to cause prejudice and conflict. "Every second that we pass in this month of Ramadan is full of grace. So this should also be felt not only by the Muslims, but by all. So, don't disturb other people, and it must be communicated in the best possible way," said the graduate of the Master International Institute of Islamic Economics Islamabad Pakistan. between people, lack of communication. According to him, there must be openness among the people to express their aspirations and opinions and establish mutual relations so that mutual respect between the people will arise and unity will be maintained. "So what I have seen so far are the Muslims who lack communication. I see communication is the key. It's not what you want. It's called dzolim," he said. Okay, he also explained how the role of the government and religious leaders as well as community leaders is to make people understand that Ramadan has the meaning to liberate and unite. "This community figure, must be able to prepare the people to face Ramadan with the best conditions and quality as possible, not only in the month of Ramadan but also in other months, take full advantage of all the momentum to encourage people to become quality people," said Oke. He also advised the community and various figures to can position The self goes hand in hand with the government to realize self-independence, unity and harmony. Not only in the month of Ramadan but also in other months. "What is important is how now the community also organizes itself with the government. So we must join hands between the government, community leaders and also the community. If that is the way, harmony and unity can be created in this country. "Ok explained.

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