
JAKARTA - The Depok City Fire Service managed to secure 67 snakes over the past three months. The wild animals were evacuated because they entered residential areas.

Head of Fire and Rescue Operational Control at the Depok City Fire and Rescue Service, Welman Naipospos, detailed that in January his party managed to secure 16 tails. Then, February 18 tails and March 33 tails.

The types of snakes that enter the settlements of these residents are of different types. In fact, the firefighters admitted that they had also found a cobra that had a deadly poison.

He said that the dozens of snakes that were evacuated consisted of several types, namely pythons, cobras, welling and green snakes. However, most of them are pythons.

"Snakes were evacuated in different places. Some were in the attic, bathroom, kitchen and living room," Welman said, quoted from the official website of the City Government, Thursday, April 7.

Furthermore, Welman said, residents who need emergency assistance can contact the Single Emergency Call Number (NTPD) 112 or the Depok Firefighter Rescue Team at 021-77827280.

"There is no need to panic if a snake enters the house. Avoid touching, handling or handling snakes if they are not trained," he concluded.

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