
JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi accompanied the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy to inspect Pasar Senen Station ahead of the Lebaran homecoming period.

During the inspection, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture and the Minister of Transportation held a Coordination Meeting on the Readiness of the 2022 Eid Homecoming Transportation with railway stakeholders, a review of facilities and infrastructure, as well as vaccination at the station.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said that after two years, President Jokowi had decided that people could carry out Lebaran homecoming this year. Therefore he asked for this activity to be prepared as well as possible.

Muhadjir suggested that this year, a free homecoming by train could be held to reduce the density of going home on the highway.

"I suggest that special wagons be provided to transport vehicles, so that those who will go home by motorbike can be transported by train. Later the motorbike can be used again after arriving at their destination," said Coordinating Minister Muhadjir as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 7.

Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya said it was predicted that there would be around 8 million passengers who took the train. For this reason, he asked the Directorate General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation and PT KAI to work together to prepare well.

“Such as ramp checks, lane inspections, building posts, adding trips and increasing human resources. This is a good effort and God willing, we can oversee it," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya.

Regarding the proposal for free homecoming, the Minister of Transportation said that he would organize a free homecoming program not only by train, but also by buses for passengers and trucks to transport motorbikes.

“For motorbikes transported by train, they are given free of charge, only the person pays for the train ticket. If there are buses, we will provide them for free for passengers, and trucks for motorbikes for free," he said.

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