
SERUYAN - The Regent of Seruyan Yulhaidir stepped down to resolve the dispute over the unilateral termination of employment (PHK) for Adi Putra (36) by the oil palm plantation company, PT Tapian Nadenggan, Sinarmas Group in Tanjung Paring.

"I received reports from the public that there was a unilateral layoff by one of the companies in Seruyan without providing severance pay to the worker," said Regent Yulhaidir in Kuala Pembuang, Seruyan Regency, Central Kalimantan, Antara, Thursday, April 7.

The two parties' mediation lasted for two months since PT Tapian Nadenggan's employee, Adi Putra (36), was dismissed for reasons that were considered unclear. In fact, Adi Putra has worked at the oil palm company for 12 years with the status of SKU or permanent worker.

"Alhamdulillah, with the blessing of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the problem between workers and the company is resolved by deliberation and consensus. Even though the mediation is long and a little tortuous,” he said.

He explained that both the workers and the company had accepted the decision to resolve it by deliberation and consensus.

He hopes that the companies in Bumi Gawi Hantantiring, if there are labor disputes, are resolved by deliberation and consensus while still referring to the applicable laws.

"Indeed, we have resolved approximately 200 cases of labor and land in Seruyan, both disputes between workers and companies," he said.

Adi Putra admitted that he complained to the Regent of Seruyan so that he could be helped to resolve it because the layoffs were carried out unilaterally, without providing severance pay. In fact, he has worked there for 12 years with SKU status.

“I am very grateful, because this problem seems to be stretched out by the company. Alhamdulillah, now that it's finished, I also express my deepest gratitude to the regent, Seruyan Manpower and Transmigration Office and friends in Batu Ampar District," he said.

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