
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked 15,649 officials to immediately submit the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN). Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati said that even though they were late, the agency would still accept the reports submitted.

"KPK still accepts LHKPN submitted after the deadline, but the LHKPN is recorded with the status of reporting late," said Ipi in a written statement quoted on Thursday, April 7.

Ipi then explained that the wealth report that had been submitted to the KPK would be verified. If the results are declared incomplete, the institution will submit a notification and the report must submit the completeness within a maximum of 30 days.

"If the completeness deadline is not met, then the KPK will return the report and the PN is considered not to have submitted the LHKPN," he said.

"Incomplete wealth reports will affect the level of compliance both at the agency and nationally," added Ipi.

On that occasion, Ipi also detailed state officials who had reported their wealth reaching 368,649 out of 384,298 required to report or around 95.93 percent. The details are that in the executive sector, 96.12 percent of the total 305,588 are required to report.

Then in the judicial sector, it was recorded that 98.06 percent of the total 19,347 obliged to report had carried out their obligations. Next, the legislative sector that has reported their wealth reached 87.05 percent of the total 20,082 mandatory reports. Finally, from the BUMN/BUMD elements, it was recorded that 97.95 percent of the total 39,181 WL.

Furthermore, the KPK also noted that there were 872 of the total 1,439 institutions in Indonesia or about 60 percent that had submitted 100 percent of the LHKPN as of March 31 yesterday. A total of 20 agencies of which are recorded as having fully reported.

In the executive field at the central government level, there are 187 top leaders and deputy leaders including ministerial level officials, deputy ministers and heads of agencies or institutions, recorded as having reported LHKPN.

Then at the provincial government level, the KPK noted that 64 Governors and Deputy Governors had reported their LHKPN. At the district/city government level, the KPK noted that 911 Regents, Mayors, Deputy Regents and Deputy Mayors had reported LHKPN.

"We appeal to state administrators in the executive, judicial, legislative and BUMN/D fields that have not submitted their wealth reports to continue to fulfill LHKPN obligations," said Ipi.

The LHKPN report, he said, was important as an instrument in preventing corruption. "KPK asks state officials to fill out their LHKPN honestly, correctly and completely," he said.

"Reporting assets is an obligation for every PN in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 paragraphs (2) and (3) of Law No. 28 of 1999 concerning State Administration that is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism. his wealth was checked before, during, and after taking office," concluded Ipi.

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