
BENGKULU - The Department of Education and Culture (Dikbud) of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province asked school operator officers in the area to make reports on the Basic Education Data (Dapodik) on a regular basis so they can monitor the condition of each school.

Head of the Education and Culture Office Rejang Lebong Rezza Pakhlevie said that when the services provided by the central government were all using technology and were no longer done manually so it could be done quickly and from anywhere.

"We ask all operators in each school to upload the conditions of their respective schools. Report the actual conditions, if not reported by the center, they know that the schools in Rejang Lebong are still in good condition when the conditions in the field are already damaged," he said. at Rejang Lebong, Antara, Wednesday, April 6.

He explained that the Dapodik reporting operator was a person appointed by the school. His job is to report the condition of the school every month. In carrying out their duties this operator is equipped with supporting equipment.

"Equipment and infrastructure in each school already exist, the most constraint is the internet network, but this can be done from other places such as from other villages that already have an internet network or from the operator's house," he explained.

Meanwhile, the repair of damaged schools in Rejang Lebong Regency this year will be carried out using the Special Allocation Fund (DAK) for education in the amount of Rp. 20 billion.

This DAK education fund, said Rezza, is greater than the amount received in 2021, which was Rp. 12 billion. The 2022 DAK fund is allocated for physical development of Rp. 15 billion and non-physical for procurement of Rp. 5 billion.

He explained that the DAK for education received by the region would later be allocated for physical development activities and procurement for both elementary and junior high schools in the region.

"Previously these schools, they made reports on school conditions. Schools that did not make reports could not receive this assistance even though the school conditions deserved it," he added.

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