
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the public to continue to comply with health protocols when returning to their hometowns while on public leave. This warning is conveyed because the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended.

"I need to emphasize that the pandemic is not yet completely over. We all must always be vigilant," Jokowi said in a video description posted on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Wednesday, April 6.

Not only implementing health protocols, Jokowi also asked the public to immediately complete the dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. This must be done in order to be aware of the spread of the virus when returning home.

In addition, people are also required to continue to wear masks. Especially if you are in a public place.

"Hurry up to complete the booster vaccine, you must continue to carry out health protocols in a disciplined manner and you must always wear a mask when in public places or in crowds," he stressed.

Previously, Jokowi had announced joint leave for Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri from April 29 to May 4-6 2022. Meanwhile, national holidays fell on May 2-3.

There are no further details regarding this joint leave. All regulations will be made by the ministers through a Joint Decree (SKB).

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