JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Komjen Andap Budhi Revianto told a story about his nephew not passing the selection for civil servant candidates (CPNS) at the ministry where he is currently serving.
Komjen Andap said, in fact he could have helped his nephew, who had passed the computer assisted test (CAT), passed the final stage of the CPNS selection at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. However, he emphasized the importance of maintaining integrity as a state civil apparatus (ASN).
"As Secretary General, I try to maintain my integrity," said Andap when opening the CPNS orientation in Jakarta, Monday, April 4.
He emphasized that in the process of accepting CPNS there should be no deposit, corruption, collusion, nepotism, and things that damage the values of integrity and honesty. He also absolutely does not want to do that for his personal interests, because it is against the values that have been promoted so far.
"Actually, it is possible as Secretary General, for example, because (he) CAT has passed and only finishing is finished; but we have integrity and are trying to protect it," said the former Riau Islands Police Chief, quoted by Antara.
Komjen Andap acknowledged that there were still a number of shortcomings in the CPNS recruitment process within the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. This will be used as material for evaluation and improvement in the next acceptance.
Of the 627,113 registrants, 4,558 people or around 0.73 percent passed to become CPNS for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
In more detail, from the number of initial registrants, as many as 487,049 people passed the administrative selection; and in the basic competency selection stage, as many as 317,629 participants passed.
In the next stage, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights announced that 13,418 participants had passed, and in the final stage, 4,558 people were declared to have passed as CPNS for the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Jokowi's daughter Kahiyang also failed to pass the CPNSPreviously, the daughter of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kahiyang Ayu had also experienced the same fate, not qualifying for the 2017 Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS 2017). In fact, Kahiyang has the status of the daughter of the number one person in this republic.
Kahiyang Ayu had indeed participated in the 2017 CPNS test selection as the First Examiner of the Surakarta City Government. In the test, Kahiyang failed to pass the CPNS. Kahiyang's total point achievement is 300, consisting of a National Insight Test (TWK) score of 50, General Intelligence Test (TIU) 95, and Personal Characteristics Test (TKP) 155.
While referring to the CPNS regulations at the time, a CPNS participant was declared qualified if he met the passing grade of 70 for TWK, 75 for TIU, and 126 for TKP.

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