
PALANGKA RAAYA - Central Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Nanang Avianto patrolled forest and land fires in Pulang Pisau Regency, using a dirt bike accompanied by a number of other officials.

"This patrol activity is carried out as an anticipatory measure and to prevent forest and land fires in the jurisdiction of the Central Kalimantan Police," said Nanang as quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 31.

The Central Kalimantan Police Chief explained that several points of water sources have also been mapped. The goal is that if there are residents who know of a fire, they can immediately use the nearest water source to extinguish the land fire.

After carrying out patrols for forest and land fires or karhutla, the Kapolda and his entourage also kept in touch as well as carried out social services at the Hanjak Maju Village Hall, Kahayan Hilir District, the local district.

"Patrol for forest and land fires is also one way to anticipate the occurrence of forest and land fires in the local area, especially since Pulang Pisau Regency is also one of the areas prone to forest and land fires," he said.

The Central Kalimantan Police Chief invited the people in the area to work hand in hand to help the local government anticipate and deal with forest and land fires that always threaten during the dry season.

Nanang hopes that there will be no hot spots developing in the local area, which will make it difficult for residents in the area and other agencies.

"Therefore, it is better to do prevention early, with various ways that have been prepared so that it does not become a bad thing in the future," he explained.

Nanang also appealed to the public to maintain health protocols so that the COVID-19 pandemic in the area did not spread widely.

Moreover, in the near future, Muslims in the province, which has an area of one and a half times the island of Java, will fast during the holy month of Ramadan.

"I hope that the things we don't want will not happen, so that Muslims carry out their worship in the month of Ramadan smoothly and comfortably," said Nanang.

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