
YOGYAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X has officially banned the use of electric scooters on a number of main roads in Yogyakarta City, including Jalan Malioboro.

The prohibition is contained in the Circular (SE) of the Governor of DIY Number 551/4671 concerning the Prohibition of Operation of Certain Vehicles Using Electric Motor Drives on Jalan Margo Utomo, Jalan Malioboro, and Jalan Margo Mulya which was signed by Sultan HB X in Yogyakarta, Thursday, March 31.

"In order to support safe, safe, orderly and smooth traffic, as well as provide comfort for pedestrians, it is not allowed to use certain vehicles using electric motors on Jalan Margo Utomo, Jalan Malioboro, and Jalan Margo Mulya," the statement reads. reported by Antara.

In the SE, it is stated that certain vehicles using electric motors are prohibited from operating, including electric scooters, hoverboards, electric unicycles, and electric scooters.

The prohibition on the use of certain vehicles using electric motor drives is exempted from carrying out the duties of the competent authorities.

Written in the SE, the prohibition of operating vehicles with electric motors is related to efforts to realize a philosophical axis strategic space unit that requires regional planning, which includes three roads in the city of Yogyakarta.

The Head of the DIY Transportation Agency (Dishub) Ni Made Dwipanti Indrayanti explained that the issuance of the SE was a follow-up to the Yogyakarta Governor's desire to make Malioboro free from vehicles that had not been operationally regulated.

Referring to Permenhub Number 45 of 2020, vehicles with electric drives, including electric scooters, electric bicycles, otopeds, to one-wheeled bicycles or unicycles are included in the category of special vehicles that have separate lanes or can only be operated in certain areas.

The SE Governor of DIY, according to Made, can be implemented immediately without waiting for the derivative regulations from the Yogyakarta City Government.

"I think it is very possible because one part of the Governor's authority is to regulate the special strategic space unit area, which includes the philosophical axis," he said.

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