
SULTENG - The Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Central Sulawesi Province (Sulteng) is monitoring the month to determine the start of fasting 1 Ramadan 2022. The monitoring was held in Sigi Regency and Banggai Regency on Friday evening Friday April 1st.

"This year we will carry it out in two places, namely in Marana Village, Sindue District, Sigi Regency, to be precise in the new moon monitoring building of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) and in Pakowa Village, Pagimana District, Banggai Regency," said Head of the Section for Islamic Religious Affairs and Sharia Guidance. at the Islamic Community Guidance (Bimas) of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Sulawesi Taufik Abdul Aziz in Palu City, Thursday, March 31.

The two places were chosen because they have a very suitable location for monitoring the conditions of the moon and are not obstructed by mountains.

The Ministry of Religion of Central Sulawesi is involving astronomers, astronomers, reckoning experts, BMKG, representatives of Islamic religious universities, the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government, Donggala Regency Government, Banggai Regency Government, prosecutors and religious leaders to monitor the new moon in the two places which will be carried out shortly after sunset. .

"We hope that the weather will be sunny, not cloudy and not raining while monitoring the new moon so that the moon can be seen," he said.

A number of telescopes have been prepared to monitor the new moon. The results of the rukyatul hilal conducted by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Sulawesi were immediately reported to the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia to be a reference in determining the 1st Ramadan in the Isbat session on Friday night.

Taufik said that the implementation of the rukyatul hilal will be carried out by implementing strict health protocols (prokes) to prevent the transmission and spread of COVID-19 to avoid potential exposure to COVID-19 during the rukyat.

"We limit the invitation to attend the rukyatul hilal as a form of implementation of the prokes," he said.

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