
JAKARTA - It is suspected that a garbage truck belonging to the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency (DLH) was involved in a collision with an online ojek (Ojol) driver. The incident occurred on Jalan Abdul Muis, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 31.

As a result of the accident, the motorcycle taxi driver with the initials N found injuries to his head, right rib and abrasions to his right leg. As of Thursday afternoon, the victim is still undergoing intensive treatment at Tarakan Hospital.

Meanwhile, the second victim, a motorcycle passenger with the initials LH (33), a resident of Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, suffered head injuries and died after undergoing treatment.

The head of the Garbage Truck Driver Association in Central Jakarta, Ade Karsan, confirmed that there was an accident involving a garbage truck with an ojol motorbike. From this incident, it is known that the passenger of the motorcycle taxi died.

"The one who died was an ojol passenger, if the ojol driver was still alive. It is known that the passenger was the TNI," said Ade Karsan to reporters, Thursday, March 31.

Ade Karsan said the truck driver with the initials S is currently at the Central Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit. It was confirmed that the truck driver was in good health and had not been under the influence of alcohol.

"We guarantee that the driver is in good health and not under the influence that interferes with driving. This is a disaster, who wants a disaster," he said.

Confirmed separately, the Head of Traffic for the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Setiyono, confirmed that there was an accident between a truck belonging to DKI and an ojol motorbike that caused the death of a passenger.

"The information is that the passenger died and the ojol driver is still alive. Meanwhile, the truck driver belonging to the cleaners is still being detained at the Central Jakarta Metro Police. We are still investigating this case more deeply into the cause of the accident," he said.

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