
JAKARTA - Public assessment of the worsening performance of President Joko Widodo's government in dealing with current problems continues to increase when compared to December 2021.

This assessment is seen in the results of the SMRC survey. In the survey conducted for the period 13-20 March 2022, there were a number of problems assessed by respondents, ranging from the stability of basic (sembako) prices, unemployment, the number of poor people, equitable distribution of welfare, to the stability of the rupiah exchange rate.

In the assessment of the government's work in making basic needs affordable, respondents who rated it getting worse increased from 29 percent to 41 percent over the past three months. Meanwhile, respondents who considered the government's work to be getting better decreased from 29 percent to 23 percent.

Then, in the government's efforts to reduce unemployment, respondents who rated it getting worse increased from 26 percent to 30 percent over the past three months. Meanwhile, respondents who considered the government's work to be getting better decreased from 25 percent to 24 percent.

In the government's work to reduce the number of poor people, respondents who rated it worse increased from 22 percent to 24 percent over the past three months. Meanwhile, respondents who considered the government's work to be getting better decreased from 33 percent to 29 percent.

Then, in the government's effort to increase welfare distribution, respondents who rated it getting worse increased from 13 percent to 19 percent over the last three months. Meanwhile, respondents who considered the government's work to be getting better decreased from 40 percent to 37 percent.

Furthermore, in the government's work to maintain the stability of the rupiah exchange rate, respondents who rated it getting worse increased from 15 percent to 17 percent over the last three months. However, respondents who considered the government's work to be getting better also increased from 23 percent to 24 percent.

Thus, in evaluating the government's performance in dealing with various economic problems, the most negative assessment is aimed at the government's performance in making prices of basic necessities affordable.

It is known that this survey was taken from a sample of 1027 respondents. The sample was randomly selected from the population of Indonesian citizens aged 17 years and over or already married when the survey was conducted. The survey's margin of error is estimated at 3.5 percent at the 95 percent confidence level.

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