
LEBAK - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lebak Regency, Banten Province recorded 109 natural disasters during January-February 2022 with a loss of Rp. 4.4 billion.

"Fortunately, there were no fatalities from the natural disaster," said the Head of Emergency and Logistics for the Lebak Regency BPBD Agus Reza Faisal in Lebak, Antara, Tuesday, March 29.

The people of Lebak Regency who are affected by natural disasters are in a number of sub-districts. For natural disasters, there were 109 incidents, including six landslides which resulted in 19 houses being lightly damaged.

Likewise, 60 tornadoes caused 37 houses to be heavily damaged, 38 moderately damaged and 36 lightly damaged.

Furthermore, he said, as many as 13 fires resulted in 13 houses being burnt as well as 30 incidents of land movement, 15 houses were heavily damaged, 343 were lightly damaged and 40 were moderately damaged.

"It is estimated that material losses due to natural disasters are Rp. 4.4 billion," said Agus.

He appealed to the people of Lebak Regency until now to remain vigilant of natural disasters, because bad weather is still possible which is marked by heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and lightning.

So far, the Lebak Regency area is a natural disaster prone area, due to its topography of hills, mountains, watersheds and sea coasts.

Potential natural disasters include floods, landslides, moving land, tornadoes and fires.

"We ask residents to be vigilant to reduce the risk of a disaster so as not to cause casualties," he explained.

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