
JAKARTA - Commission IX of the DPR RI will hold a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with the Management of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) and Prof. Dr. Romli Atmasasmita, regarding the explanation of the main tasks and functions of IDI as an Indonesian medical professional organization, Tuesday, March 29, noon. RDPU starts at 13.00 western Indonesia time.

The summons to IDI is also related to the dismissal of former Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto. The plan was for the RDPU to summon both parties, but in the DPR's agenda, Terawan's name was not listed in the meeting this afternoon.

Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IX Felly Estelitas Runtuwene said what happened to Terawan was closely related to the Law on Medical Education and regulations related to the practice of doctors. She admitted that she received a message from the leadership of the DPR to immediately summon PB IDI and several professional organizations related to the practice of doctors.

"People are confused, what's really going on. We don't want things like this to happen again," said Felly, Tuesday, March 28.

It is known, former Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto has officially been permanently dismissed from membership in the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).

The decision was taken by the Honorary Council of Medical Ethics of the Indonesian Doctors Association (MKEK IDI) before being brought to the IDI congress in Banda Aceh.

Based on information circulating, Dr. Terawan was fired due to treatment with the 'brainwashing' method using the Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) tool in the treatment of stroke and the Nusantara vaccine in the prevention of COVID-19.

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