
JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) noted that the daily number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia increased by 2,798 people on Monday, March 28, as of 12.00 WIB. West Java (Jabar) became the province with the highest number of cases.

Based on data from the COVID-19 Task Force, the current total positive cases are 6,001,751 cases, with the first contributing areas of positive cases being West Java with 641 cases, DKI Jakarta with 573 cases, Banten with 343 cases, Central Java with 235 cases, and East Java with 148 cases. .

Nationally recovered cases of COVID-19 increased by 10,301 people, bringing the cumulative total of recovered cases to 5,724,963 people, of which the most recovered cases were from West Java 3,133 people, DKI Jakarta 1,300 people, DI Yogyakarta 891 people, Central Java 607 people, and Nusa Tenggara East 576 people.

Meanwhile, the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Indonesia increased by 104 people from the previous day to 154,774 people.

Thus, the total active cases of COVID-19 in the country continues to decline, today it drops 7,607 cases, bringing the total active cases to 122,014 cases.

The Task Force recorded 4,436 suspected COVID-19 cases and as many as 129,894 specimens were examined today.

Meanwhile, Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, continues to remind the public about the importance of discipline in implementing the 3M program even though they have received booster vaccinations.

"I emphasize that everyone who has been vaccinated, even the booster vaccine, must still be disciplined in wearing a mask, washing hands and keeping a distance," said Prof. Wiku. Prof. Wiku explained that in an effort to control the pandemic, vaccination and health protocols have their respective functions.

Both must be done together in order to achieve optimal protection from the transmission of COVID-19. "Because, in fact, the potential for an increase in cases still exists if (giving) booster vaccines are not accompanied by disciplined health protocols," he said.

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