
JAYAPURA - Towards the month of Ramadan 1443 Hijriyah, hundreds of Muslims from various regions, Sunday, March 27 crowded the beaches around Jayapura City, Papua Province. Based on observations in Jayapura, since Sunday morning there have been groups of residents riding motorbikes and cars crowding a number of beaches scattered in several districts in the Jayapura area. "Indeed, we came in the morning to get a hut because we didn't have time to order," said Fatimah, who was found enjoying Bse G Beach, which is located in the North Jayapura District, as reported by Antara. visitors at Hamadi Beach, South Jayapura District. They claimed that it was a family tradition to go to the beach before the month of Ramadan.

"Every year we always go to the beach before fasting in the month of Ramadan because during Ramadan there are no recreational activities," said Mitfatul who admitted that he deliberately went to Hamadi Beach because it was relatively close to his house in Waena, Heram District. seen they held an event burning various fish and meat as well as swimming. Due to the large number of visitors, especially at Hamadi Beach, it causes traffic jams. "It's true that this time there were so many visitors to Hamadi Beach, causing traffic jams either towards the ring road or the red bridge or Youtefa or vice versa towards Hamadi," said Maria, who with her family also had recreation at the beach. Hamadi Beach. In addition to the beach, there are fishing locations scattered in Koya, Muara Tami District, which are also targeted by residents, both in order to enter the holy month of Ramadan or just for recreation.

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