
KALTIM - The number of residents who were declared cured of COVID-19 in North Penajam Paser (PPU) Regency, East Kalimantan, increased by 16 today. The total recovered to 5,486 people.

"In addition, today there were also 4 additional suspected cases and an additional 4 positive cases of COVID-19, so all parties must continue to comply with the prokes," said PPU Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesperson Jansje Grace Makisurat in Penajam, Antara, Friday, Friday. March 25.

Of the four sub-districts in PPU Regency, in more than a week, there are no more sub-districts in the red zone, there is only one sub-district in the orange zone and three sub-districts in the yellow zone.

For today, Penajam District in the orange zone with 33 active cases of COVID-19, decreased compared to two days ago which was 42 people.

The convenience of the Sepaku District being in the yellow zone with the number of active COVID-19 cases as many as 14 people, a decrease compared to two days ago which were 15 people.

Waru Subdistrict in the yellow zone with 10 active cases, down from 14 in the previous three days.

Next, in Babulu District, which is also in the yellow zone, with the remaining 9 active cases, it decreased compared to the previous day which was 16 people.

With the addition of 4 residents who tested positive today, the total active COVID-19 at PPU is 66 people, with details of 64 people undergoing self-isolation and 2 people being treated in hospital.

"While the addition of 4 suspected cases today, the total suspects from March 22, 2020 to March 25 reached 7,477 people. Of this number, 34 people died with comorbidities," said Grace.

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