
JAKARTA - Friday, March 25, Kominfo RI and DPR RI held a Live Streaming Seminar with the theme "Digital Awareness for Gender Equality".

This event was filled by three presenters of them. Rizki Sadiq, who is a member of Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives, then Wiryanta, who is the Director of Information and Communication for Human Development and Culture, the Directorate General of IKP, Ministry of Communication and Information, and finally Sely Ayu Susanti, an influencer.

This event began with a conversation with Sely who discussed the role of women and the figures we can uphold as women. She said, as a woman, you don't need to think about what other people say, the important thing is to focus on your daily activities.

This chat also discussed the important role of women for the welfare of their families, especially in monitoring digital developments in the family environment. Sely also said that women must be smart on their own and independent

"Do not let women have limited space for movement," he said.

But Sely also reminded about the obligations of women to the family. In addition, Sely also appealed to be careful in playing digital, and not to let our personal data be used for anything that is not possible.

He also appealed to social media users to be wise in using social media. Here, Sely also gives tips on being confident in social media for selling online.

"Don't be afraid to promote our wares, after trying we can only evaluate our promotions," he said.

After that, the second and third presenters were Rizki Sadiq, and Wiryanta as the DPR RI AND the RI Kominfo who gave greetings to the participants said greetings and greetings to other presenters and webinar participants.

"Whatever studies are carried out in the digital world, this topic is given to provide supplies against the times. The digital world is very wide open. This opportunity must be optimal, Kominfo and the Indonesian House of Representatives as much as possible can equip and reach remote areas," said Rizki Sadig.

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