JAKARTA - Friday, March 25, afternoon, at 16.14 WIB, hundreds of masses of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA 212) started their march towards the Presidential Palace via Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Monas area, Central Jakarta.
However, this attempt was immediately repelled by the police by setting up barricades of troops.
From VOI's observation at the location, hundreds of PA 212 masses had an argument with the police who were guarding the Traffic Light (TL) in front of the entrance to the West side of the Monas Area.
The crowd tried to keep going to the Palace even though they had been chased away by the Polda Metro Jaya Police and Polres Metro Jakarta Pusat. So, push-push action had occurred.
Traffic access to City Hall in the Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat area, to be precise in front of Monas, was isolated. Four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles could not pass because of the incident.
"Back off. Back off, back off," said one of the demo participants, Friday, March 25, afternoon
Luckily, the tense atmosphere was not provoked, so the masses of action were forced to withdraw persuasively.
However, when the crowd took a few steps back, some of the demonstration participants took the red MCB that was around the location and again blocked it.
At around 16.30 WIB, the mass of action managed to withdraw and disperse from the Monas area. Meanwhile, the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit officers who were dressed freely were still guarding the Monas area.
Meanwhile, the demonstration contained demands for figures deemed to have insulted Islam to be arrested immediately.
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