
AGAM - The Mitsubishi Cunter BA 7034 WU tourism bus carrying 25 Padang State University (UNP) students had an accident in Jorong Gasan Kaciak, Nagari Tiku Selatan, Tanjungmutiara District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra.

Agam Police Traffic Head Iptu Apriman Sural said that as many as 25 passengers who were also UNP students were injured and taken to the Tiku Health Center.

"Three of the victims were referred to the Lubukbasung Regional General Hospital (RSUD)," he said, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 25.

The tourism bus driven by Roni (38), a resident of Bukittinggi, was from Pariaman to Tiku, Agam, carrying 25 UNP students.

Arriving at the crime scene (TKP), he added, the vehicle lost control and fell into a ravine about two meters deep.

"The car lost control so it fell into a ravine about two meters deep and the car was lying down," he said.

Members of the Agam Police then went directly to the accident site after receiving reports from residents.

Currently the bus is still in the ravine and waiting for the tow truck to evacuate or remove the vehicle.

After that, the vehicle was immediately taken to the Agam Police Headquarters for further processing.

"We are still waiting for a tow truck to evacuate the bus and after that we will secure it at the Agam Police Headquarters," he said.

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