
NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR - Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) Hasto Wardoyo stated that the government cannot generalize the methods used to deal with stunting (tengkes) in each region.

"There must be special treatment. Actually, we can make aid policies for regions with high stunting rates, there must be long-term ones," said Hasto in South Central Timor, East Nusa Tenggara, Thursday 24 March.

Hasto stressed that the government cannot use the same method, because each region has a different prevalence rate, different geographical conditions, culture and food availability.

Although different, special handling in each region, he said, must still pay attention to the fulfillment of balanced nutrition for each child, including pregnant and lactating mothers.

Hasto gave an example to eradicate stunting in children in Kesetnana Village, South Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, the central government has provided assistance in the form of fortified rice containing zinc, folic acid and iron. Other regions can also follow the example of Wonogiri which can reduce the number dwarfism properly, through the use of agricultural land owned by residents.

This was done because most of the villagers have difficult economic conditions, so that the needs of the children are not being met properly. The prevalence rate in Timor Tengah Selatan Regency is also at 48.3 percent.

“If we put the doctrine that the bride and groom must eat this until they are pregnant, this will indeed be real. Because, there is folic acid, there is zinc, if they are full, they will eat until they get pregnant," said Hasto.

According to Hasto, although the central government has intensified various efforts, local governments need to think of strategic and sustainable ways because the problem of stunting is not only limited to lack of nutritional intake.

But, also poverty or lack of knowledge related to health. Thus, it is hoped that the main problem of regional stunting can be caught by the local government and empower local food so that the economy can live while fulfilling child nutrition. Meanwhile, one of the areas that he thinks can be a good example in alleviating stunting is Batam City, Riau Islands. Where the local government strengthens full cooperation, both between CSR and mobilizing universities to help families at risk of stunting.

“I think the local government plays an important role, because the problem of poverty is one of the causes of the circle. Then there is knowledge and all kinds. That's why it has to be engineered (how to handle it)," said Hasto.

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