
SERANG - A husband in Sindangsari Village, Pabuaran District, Serang Regency, Banten, slashed his neighbor named Asnadi. Not only that, but the perpetrator also burned his own house because he was angry with his wife. The tense incident occurred on Wednesday, March 23.

Serang City Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Maruli Ahilles Hutapea, explained that the incident began when the perpetrator, NM, suddenly became angry with his wife, KNH (45). Even NM had threatened to kill his wife with a machete.

Suddenly her husband's threats scared KNH and ran out of the house to ask her neighbors for help.

"The statement from KHN that the perpetrator NM was angry is unclear while threatening to kill with a machete. Out of fear, KHN ran out of the house and asked Asnadi for help," said Maruli, through a written statement, Wednesday, March 23.

Firefighters extinguish the fire at the house of the perpetrator of the stabbing in Pabuaran District, Serang, Banten/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

Maruli again explained, Asnadi who saw the commotion immediately approached and tried to calm the perpetrator. However, continued Maruli, the perpetrator actually slashed Asnadi with a machete.

"The victim who saw the commotion immediately approached and tried to calm the perpetrator, but instead the victim was hacked by the perpetrator with a machete, hitting the left side of the head so that the victim fell down," explained Maruli.

Not only that, the perpetrator NM immediately went into his house and set fire to the mattress and pile of wood in the house, causing the perpetrator's house to catch fire.

"After slashing the victim, the perpetrator entered the house and burned the mattress and wood in the house. After that, the perpetrator fled," he said.

Furthermore, Asnadi, who was injured by a sharp weapon, was immediately rushed to the hospital by residents. Meanwhile, firefighters who received reports immediately rushed to the location to extinguish the fire.

"The victim was taken to the hospital and treated for a stab wound to the left side of the head and had to get 14 stitches for the burning house to be extinguished by the fire department," said Maruli.

The perpetrator of the stabbing burned his own house in Sindangsari Village, Pabuaran District, Serang Banten/Photo: Doc. Banten Police

The Police Chief admitted that his party is still continuing to investigate the case by pursuing the perpetrators of NM. However, based on information from local residents, it was suspected that the perpetrator NM had depression.

"According to information from local residents, the perpetrator has been suspected of having depression for one month. But we are still conducting an investigation to find out for sure the perpetrator was desperate to do something like that," he said.

After doing this, the whereabouts of the perpetrator is not yet known, and they are still being searched.

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