
MATARAM - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Lombok Police, West Nusa Tenggara, is handling the alleged case of a 71-year-old grandfather with the initials R who killed his ex-wife with a dagger.

Head of the West Lombok Police Satreskrim Inptu I Made Dharma said the case was revealed from public information regarding the finding of the victim's body with the initials M in his house covered in blood.

"So, as soon as the information was received Monday night (21/3), we together with the Inafis identification team, went straight to the TKP (the crime scene)," Dharma said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

The location where the 50-year-old woman's body was found is in Datar Hamlet, Bengkel Village, Labuapi District, West Lombok Regency.

"From the field identification, it was confirmed that the victim had died with a cut in the neck. It is suspected that he died of bleeding," he said.

Dharma said that his party had interrogated a number of witnesses who found and were in the vicinity of the location.

"From the house where the victim's body was found, we also found a woman, the victim's eldest child and her granddaughter who is still a child. But her eldest daughter is not normal, so we got information from local residents," he said.

From the testimony of witnesses in the field, the alleged perpetrator points to her ex-husband who still lives in the same village as the victim.

"Tuesday morning (22/3) at around 01.00 WITA, we immediately docked at the house of the alleged perpetrator," he said.

He said it was fortunate that the police arrived quickly at the suspect's house. The suspect was suspected of having attempted suicide.

"So when we arrived, the suspect was already lying limp with a dagger beside him. He tried to kill himself by slashing his neck," Dharma said.

The team that found the suspect's condition immediately rushed him to the Labuapi Health Center.

"Luckily, the doctor said, the wound was not deep, so it could still be helped," he said.

Even with this condition, Dharma emphasized that the alleged perpetrator is currently undergoing intensive treatment at the Labuapi Health Center.

"So against the suspect, we have not carried out further examinations. However, I have assigned two members to monitor and guard at the puskesmas," he said.

Dharma said that his party had identified the alleged modus operandi and motive for killing his ex-wife.

"From the witnesses, the alleged motive is temporary, the alleged perpetrator is jealous because he knows his ex-wife wants to remarry. They just divorced, about six months ago," said Dharma.

Regarding the alleged perpetrator's mode of committing the murder, he continued, it was done by entering the victim's house secretly without the knowledge of the residents and the victim.

"From the information, the suspect entered the house through the roof," he said.

Then for the whereabouts of the victim's body, it is now said that Dharma is still buried at the Bhayangkara Hospital in Mataram.

"The plan is that an autopsy will be carried out tomorrow. So we can't confirm the cause of death yet, we are waiting for the results of the autopsy," said Dharma.

In an effort to investigate this case, the police have also conducted a crime scene at the victim's house. The activity took place Tuesday morning (22/3).

"From the crime scene, several pieces of evidence were also secured, including a dagger that was allegedly used by the alleged perpetrator to kill the victim," he said.

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