
MADIUN - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Madiun, East Java distributed as much as 6 tons or the equivalent of 6,000 kilograms of cheap bulk cooking oil by holding market operations at the Dolopo Market to suppress the price of these commodities in the market which is still high.

Head of Trade, Department of Trade, Cooperatives, and Micro Enterprises (Disperdagkop-UM) of Madiun Regency Toni Eko Prasetyo said the operation of the cheap bulk cooking oil market was devoted to traders at Dolopo Market and MSME players such as fried food traders and stalls around the market.

"There are 6,000 kilograms of bulk for Dolopo Market traders today. The price is below the HET, which is Rp. 14,500 per kilogram," said Toni Eko, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 22.

According to him, the same as the conditions for the bulk cooking oil market operation at the Caruban Market that were carried out previously, to be able to buy the cooking oil, traders must bring an Integrity Pact sheet that has been distributed through the Madiun Regency Trade Office. Also, bring your ID card.

For equal distribution, the Madiun Regency Government limits the maximum amount of each trader to buy as much as 60 kilograms of bulk cooking oil.

Toni confirmed that bulk cooking oil in his area was quite difficult to obtain. This is what makes these commodities relatively expensive in the market, far above the HET, which reaches Rp. 20,000 per kilogram.

This is different from packaged cooking oil whose stock in the market immediately overflows after the government revokes the one-price stipulation and imposes a market price.

Although the supply of bulk cooking oil in the market is scarce, his party ensures that there is no hoarding in the community.

"Yesterday (21/3) market officials checked and the results were no hoarding. The stock of bulk migrants is empty due to high demand, such as for businesses and MSME players who really need it," he said.

According to the data, the demand for cooking oil for the residents of Madiun Regency as a whole reaches around 4,500 tons per month.

In order to maintain supply, his party continues to distribute the cooking oil aid in the market so that the price immediately drops and is stable. The distribution is carried out by cooperating with related institutions such as the East Java Provincial Government and PT PPI (Persero).

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