
JAKARTA - Gilang Widya Pramana's attorney or known as Juragan 99, Arman Anis explained that the chaotic ownership of his client's private jet was in the spotlight.

According to him, the plane did not belong to Gilang Pramana or his wife Shandy Purnamasari. The plane was only on loan because there was a cooperation contract.

"Regarding the jet, Pak Gilang has a cooperative relationship with a certain time," Arman told reporters, Tuesday, March 22.

"Yes, it's cooperation, not buying," he continued.

However, it was not explained in detail about the parties who cooperated with skipper 99. It was only confirmed that the cooperation contract had ended.

"Regarding the use of the tool, it has now been completed. So the plane doesn't know where it is anymore. The agreement has ended," said Arman.

Gilang Pramana, also known as Juragan 99, once admitted to owning a private jet. The jet was purchased for 18.9 million US dollars (equivalent to Rp. 265.2 billion).

Gilang and Shandy often use this private jet for humanitarian missions.

“Finally the long awaited Private Jet, Cessna citation latitude has arrived! Alhamdulillah, we will immediately use the first flight tomorrow for humanitarian missions," said Gilang in an Instagram post, Sunday, January 31.

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