
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin opened up the possibility of a third dose of COVID-19 vaccination or booster being a requirement for this year's Lebaran homecoming.

Ma'ruf said that the opportunity to apply the booster requirement for going home is to replace the PCR or antigen test that was previously applied on long trips.

"Later, we will make the booster a condition when people want to go home. Apart from having 2 complete vaccinations, we also need to have a booster so that there is no need for PCR or an antigen," said Ma'ruf in Bandung, Java. West, Tuesday, March 22.

However, Ma'ruf said that this policy would be implemented if Indonesia did not experience an increase in cases or the increase in COVID-19 cases was increasingly sloping.

Ma'ruf reminded the importance of vaccination. This is because one of the factors for the emergence of community immunity is the widespread vaccination coverage in the community.

Moreover, currently there is an easing of restrictions on activities carried out by the government such as places of worship. Where, places of worship in areas that apply PPKM Level 1 may have a capacity of 100 percent.

"We still have to comply with health protocols such as masks, washing hands, and also vaccinations. Vaccination is important because community immunity is one of the important factors, namely vaccination," said Ma'ruf.

"For the elderly, it will continue to be encouraged. Also for those who have only had one vaccine, 70 percent of them are vaccinated before Ramadan, and also boosters," he added.

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