
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said that efforts to eradicate disadvantaged areas must be in line with efforts to prevent stunting and reduce poverty.

"There needs to be an integrated handling, it cannot only be handled in a sectoral way. Therefore, now the Ministry of Villages also has a village fund budget menu that does not only deal with infrastructure but also stunting and the poor," said Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture at the launch of Presidential Decree No. 105/2021 which was followed online in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 22.

He appealed to the government, both relevant ministries/institutions and local governments to look at the problems of underdeveloped regions in their entirety, which were then coordinated and synchronized across sectors.

According to him, eradicating underdeveloped regions is not only a budget issue but also a problem of resource scarcity, including the lack of quality village apparatus and spatial conditions of the region, especially those that are still isolated.

Therefore, he continued, there must be steps that can encourage these underdeveloped areas to become open.

"Open is not only in a physical sense, but how can we provide incentives to investors to want to invest in underdeveloped areas," he said.

In the launch of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 105/2021 concerning the National Strategy for the Acceleration of Development of Disadvantaged Regions (PPDT) for 2020-2024 was marked by the beating of Tifa together by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Mendes PDTT Abdul Halim Iskandar, Deputy for PMK, Cabinet Secretariat Yuli Harsono, Expert Staff to the Minister for Infrastructure of Bappenas Velix Wanggai, and Deputy for Regional Development Equity and Disaster Management at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Sudirman.

The Coordinating Minister stated, as stated in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) for 2020-2024, the target for underdeveloped areas was achieved by the end of 2024, namely a total of 25 districts out of a total of 62 underdeveloped districts.

"The Presidential Regulation aims to accelerate the handling of disadvantaged areas. Underdeveloped areas are multidimensional, so all the complexities of problems must be handled thoroughly," said the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

He added that the Presidential Decree was also part of the effort to accelerate the development of underdeveloped areas into integrated areas, specifically, planned, systematic, and sustainable.

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