
JAKARTA - The Siak Police, Riau, managed to confiscate 921.79 grams of crystal methamphetamine in Kampung Pinang Sebatang, Tualang District. Not only that, five perpetrators were also arrested.

Siak Police Chief AKBP Gunar Rahardianto, who was accompanied by the Head of Narcotics AKP Sihol Sitinjak, said that the case was successfully solved on Wednesday, March 16 yesterday. The five perpetrators who were arrested had the initials D as the owner of methamphetamine, TI, ZH, S, and TF as intermediaries.

"The owner of methamphetamine D admitted that the weight of methamphetamine in one plastic bag was initially 1 kilogram, but it has been used and some of it has been sold," said AKBP Gunar Rahardianto, Monday, March 21, quoted from Antara.

The methamphetamine was obtained by D from his uncle from Bengkalis Regency with the initials A. Currently, the owner of the methamphetamine is on the wanted list (DPO) or a fugitive.

"Initially, suspect D was entrusted with a package containing methamphetamine by his uncle. Then his uncle said the shabu should be stored and later someone would take it," he said.

The five suspects are currently being held at the Siak Police Headquarters for further investigation. The five perpetrators will be prosecuted under Article 114 paragraph (2) and Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with the threat of capital punishment, life imprisonment and a minimum prison sentence of 6 years imprisonment for a maximum of 20 years. years and a fine of at least Rp. 1 billion and a maximum of Rp. 10 billion.

The police chief reminded the public if they have information related to suspicious activity to immediately contact the nearest police officer so that they can be followed up.

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